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Exodus 33:14 - Today's Bible Promise

Exodus 33:14
And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Today’s Word :

In Exodus 33, Moses was in a difficult situation. God said that he should lead the people of Israel into the Promised Land, and that an angel would go before them and drive out their enemies, but that He would not go with them because the people were a rebellious people. For Moses, with so many adversities ahead of them, to move forward without God's presence was too overwhelming. Moses' prayer was graciously answered in today's Scripture. 

Maybe you're up against some challenges and setbacks. You're wondering how you're going to beat that sickness, how your family is ever going to be restored, or how you'll get the finances you need. God is saying to you what He said to Moses, "You don't have to do this in your own strength. I'm going with you all the way. Be at rest." That obstacle may be too big for you, but it's not too big for our God. He's your protector, your deliverer, your way maker, your provider, your healer. Everything will be fine.

Prayer for Today :

Father, thank You that no matter what challenge or setback I face, I can stay in peace, knowing that You are with me. Thank You that You can turn every situation around and help me move forward. I declare that no obstacle is too big for You, and everything will be fine. In Jesus' Name... Amen...

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